This actually made me think how far have we went from ~20 yrs ago as in personal development/hate/bullying etc.
This actually made me think how far have we went from ~20 yrs ago as in personal development/hate/bullying etc.
Really cool, loved the athmosphere!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it, check out our Halloween Special too!
Surreal, creepy with good controls and quite good story. However, animation still needs improovement, anyways - Good job!
Awesome! This game however could use full screen mode, because on smaller screens the game doesn't fit in and when pressing arrow keys the screen keeps scrolling. However - Good audio, great animation, unique character with an awesome story, Good job!
Thank you for your review @megadoctor. I really apreciate the feedback :D
Completed the game.
This was really good, besides that the sprint + jump gives you unbalanced speed, it was hilarious, especially the Corona-bottle boss. Good job!
Awesome. Such a simple idea but great gameplay. Audio was awesome, it runs smooth, has collectibles etc. Good job!
Good idea, but its booring.
LOL this made me laugh! Thanks for the feedback. It is kinda how the genre works though haha
Not so good. The idea itself is no longer unique, the main character is poorly drawn - as well as everything else. It has no audio. Game-Over dialogue boxes could of easily been drawn better.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll probably work on another project and take your criticism into account.
Awesome. Really good audio, unique idea good comtrolls and the game runs smooth. Good job!
My IQ is higher than my weight.
Joined on 4/9/05